Many times the modern day citizens, we it can be prior to the distribution of the blood, the drinking of alcohol. In the end, the results of the analysis depends on the continuing care of a person. The physician must obtain the maximum amount of reliable result of the research. If not, you'll have to retake the examination, or undergo a course of treatment is appropriate. To properly donate the blood for research, you need a good preparation. But how, exactly? You can use alcohol to do this? As much as the alcoholic beverages are to be submitted to the body? The answers to these questions (and more), we will see in the following. In fact, the very embodiment of the idea, life, it takes a little time and effort. And in preparation for proper delivery of the exam is not that difficult.

The effect of alcohol on the body
Can you drink alcohol prior to the distribution of the blood? It should be noted that the use of ethanol has the following effects on the body:
- it increases the level of calcium lactate;
- it increases the concentration of uric acid;
- it increases the triacylglyceride;
- it reduces the level of the new one.
Consequently, this can lead to a distortion of the results of the survey. Your doctor will most likely direct the new red blood cells.
Bans or lack thereof?
So, you can drink any alcohol prior to the distribution of the blood? In theory, yes. But you'll have to consider that, in this case, the results obtained from the analysis of the biological material to be false.
This is not the only constraint. The fact is that the results of the analysis of the blood to the influence of many factors. Thus, the limitation on the alcohol, it's just one of the rules. Next, we will look at how to prepare properly for the blood analysis.
The excretion of alcohol
But first, a few words about how much of the alcohol out of the blood. For this you should know what each and every person.
In general, the exact amount of time it is difficult to determine. The velocity of the blood, the influence of the different factors. For example:
- the identity of the genre.
- the age of a person;
- the type of the alcohol;
- the state of your general health;
- the weight of the patient.
- the amount of drinking, drinking and driving.
In healthy people, alcohol appears to be more rapid. The fastest Man in dealing with the toxicity of alcohol than women. You can see the approximate length of time of the excretion of ethanol from the body. What are the indicators of the sail? The leaves in the alcohol in the blood? With the help of the following figures:
- hey - at 4.5 hours.
- beer in 40 minutes.
- the red wine/champagne for 1.5 hours.
- brandy - 5 hours.
- port 3 o'clock position.
This is the time of the release of 100 g of the drink from the male's body weight of 80 kg. And let's not forget that this is just one example of the value of. And don't worry about it, if you can, before the distribution of the blood, the drinking of alcohol, it is usually best to refrain from consuming such beverages.

The categorical prohibitions in the
But that's not all. There are a number of cases in which the use of alcohol prior to some of the blood, is strictly prohibited. That can be attributed to? In the following studies:
- hiv / AIDS;
- hepatitis a b c (a, B, C);
- in the test;
- calcium;
- the analysis of the content of phosphorus in the blood.
- of magnesium;
- not a triglyceride;
- cortisol, androstenedione;
- the parathyroid hormone;
- in the aldosterone-high.
The consumption of alcohol prior to the distribution of the blood, as has already been said, it is not recommended at this time. In these cases, you will need to give up alcohol as well before you carry out the research.
The analysis of the mass
It can be, prior to the distribution of the blood, the drinking of alcohol, if you you you you you you plan to think about the mass? As has already been stated, the use of ethanol may lower your blood sugar levels. But the increase in the mass of the blood, the alcoholic beverages they are able to. Respectively, a few days prior to the completion of the research, you have to give up any of the alcohol in the drinks. And to such of the goods as well.
With no restrictions
Leaving the blood after the consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited. In some cases, the patient does not say anything about a special preparation for a particular search. For example, it is possible in the following cases:
- before you go out to the driver of a public transportation route;
- once the search is over, the content of ethanol in the blood.
How to remove it?
Many are wondering how much you will have to limit itself to the alcohol in front of some of the blood. To answer this question, it is not so difficult.
The preparation of the general
And how is that walking going on in preparation for the blood? This is a process that requires one-on-one attention. It is important, for example, to the high court. Leaving the the the the blood, without any special training, to lead to a misunderstanding of the analysis. Sometimes, because of this, they forbid others to become donors, and, when the detection of alcohol in the blood to be exact.
To get the most accurate results from your search you need to:
- giving up alcohol for 2 to 3 days;
- do not smoke for at least a day;
- do not eat sweet, salty, spicy, fatty, fried foods;
- don't over-work;
- to avoid stressful situations.
On arriving at the laboratory, it is desirable for a man to sit down quietly for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then, we will go over some helpful tips for blood donors. Can you drink alcohol before taking of the biological material? No. And smoking is also not permitted. With even more restrictions, and tips on how to deal with the donor? In general, they will be remembered and studied earlier principles. Blood donors must:
- 48 hours prior to the placing of the matter, do not drink alcoholic beverages;
- do not smoke for at least an hour before your self-giving.
- eating in a balanced manner;
- good night's sleep before the procedure;
- in the morning, it's easy to take the breakfast to donate blood during the fast);
- go to the delivery of the material is in a healthy state;
- drink up to 2 glasses of sweet tea before, about the blood.
- give up the drugs for 3 days prior to the proceeding.

Remembering all of these rules, then the donor's blood is able to prevent any harm to your health. After all, it is the delivery of a biological material, it demands attention. It is responsible for anything that serious, even if only temporarily, the effects on the human body.
The impact of the different types of alcohol for colds and flu
Alcohol, depending on the fortitude and strength has different effects on the body (including colds):
- a strong content of alcohol in the 21...up to 80% — a cognac that takes the hard, fast poisoning, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting;
- the mean of the strength (alcohol content 20%), a little bit of the hot wine — it also contributes to the toxicity, but it has a more gentle impact on the body due to the smaller citadel, and of the composition of the vitamin and minerals;
- a small but of alcohol to not more than 6% and 8%) — considered to be the most harmless of alcohol production, but also due to the lack of expressed positive affect during a cold is not recommended at this time.
The high temperature of the beginning of any alcoholic beverage that is perceived by the body as a poison. So, in the question, is it possible to have a drink of vodka with a temperature of 38°C, and the answer is a clear no.
Why don't you drink under the high temperature of the
- All alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol — a substance toxic to depression operation of the cell, and in light of the fact that they are small, with no loose, disease-protective functions of the body.
- Due to the toxicity of the alcohol is perceived as poison, which is what you want to even things out. The body is experiencing a heavy load of work, while struggling with the disease, and with acute alcohol poisoning.
- With the increase in temperature is a response to an inflammatory process. It may be due not only to the cold of the disease, but the pathology of the system. In this case, if you drink alcoholic beverages, there is a risk of rejection of the organ that is affected.
Therefore, the use of alcohol at temperatures of above +38°C, which is not only undesirable, but dangerous.
In that case you can drink alcohol at a temperature of
The reception of the liquor in a small dose (50 g), it is possible to as soon as the first signs of the disease, and the temperature is not higher than +37°C), where a person has not yet started taking the medication. For medicinal purposes it is best to use the wine, either . A small dose of these drinks, it eliminates the pain in the head, by means of the expansion of the blood vessels, speed up the activation of the protective features of the organism, and contributes to the sturdy bed.
On the basis of the wine, you may want to make a drink of hot mulled wine:
- The red wine is dry, pour it into a container, and stirring constantly, heat over a low flame.
- Add a stick of cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey and cloves (2-3 PCs.), get in the way.
- Then, one at a time, put the peel of the orange, ginger and cardamom.
- Cook a little and just before it boils, remove from the heat.

The alcohol relieves the stress of
It is quite a popular misunderstanding that many times, it becomes a question of the day. Really, it's a little bit of liquor, to release into the blood, the hormones of happiness – endorphins. It also improves your mood, and gives a man a sense of courage and self-confidence. For some time the man forgets about his problems, but to solve them, it is not capable of doing.
The consumption of alcohol in large amounts leads to a rapid depletion of endorphins, and the deterioration of the general well-being, due to the toxic effects of alcohol. In addition to this, people will often use alcohol, they experience a sense of guilt, which is related to your condition, and of neglected opportunities.
The alcohol improves the quality of sleep.
A glass of wine or a glass of cognac, improves your sleep. That's what they tell me, and then there are those that you often make. Indeed, low doses of alcohol to cause relaxation and slight drowsiness. The truth is, by the time this goes away.
When your body gets used to the alcohol, and the effect is relaxed, and knowledgeable, with a lot of alcoholic beverages, and vice – versa-to get to the other person. In this condition, the person may fall asleep, but here's the thing, the rhythm of sleep is disturbed, and generally relax, it's not going to.
Alcohol enhances the appetite
This statement is true only in part. Approximately 20 to 25 ml of strong alcohol, which means for about 15 minutes prior to a meal and really enhance the work of the centre is the nerve responsible for the sensation of being hungry.
But if you consume alcohol on an empty stomach, so it is very hurt the body. The alcohol has an action of anti-irritant upon the mucous membrane of the stomach and the esophagus. This could lead to the development of the inflammatory process, as well as to contribute to the development of ulcers in the stomach and in the duodenum.
Alcohol dependence can heal
Unfortunately, to completely cure a person from alcoholism is not possible. You can make sure that you stop drinking alcohol, but it does make you indifferent to alcohol, it is not possible. This means that the former alcoholic should be to completely stop drinking alcohol, even small doses of alcohol can lead to a crash. Alcoholism is an incurable disease, because there is always the possibility of relapse, even after long periods of abstinence.
Little, if any, private party or a meeting, it's not the alcohol. And it's the kind of vacation doesn't always have good results. Yes, and in the evening you can to be overshadowed by the fact that in the body and too much alcohol. In this article, we are going to talk about the proper way to drink alcohol, you feel good, it is possible to increase or decrease the level.
The main thing is not to lower the level of the
For alcohol it depends on how you are going to feel that in the morning. But this is not the only factor that affects condition. A very important thing is the number of the alcohol, and the combination of it with other drinks. You can reduce the level of alcohol in it, and because of this, you have to figure it out. When the body reaches for the alcohol, it turns into 2 components, the alcohol is ethanol and the aldehyde acetic acid. The second component is a toxic substance. When it is consumed in abundance, and poisoned him. Later on, you'll be able to find:
- A pain in the neck.
- Nauseous and vomiting.
- Irregular from pressure.
- Painful sensations in the region of the heart.
- Any problems with breathing.
The water level was lowered one level it causes the alcohol to it makes it a lot more quickly, thereby facilitating the formation of toxic substances. They also have a negative effect on the functioning of the internal organs and are important for the working of the body systems to be absorbed into the bloodstream. In this context, the body is applied to a blow-out. This is the main reason why it is not possible to reduce the degree of alcohol abuse. Against the consumption of soft drinks is also better to give up. They contain carbon dioxide. When it gets into the body, absorption of alcohol in your blood, it speeds up. And this has a negative effect on the functioning of the liver and other organs.
Understand that there is a problem with the alcohol
The need for alcohol, it is a time to reflect on the fact that it is not translated, if you will, for you to relax and relieve stress, according to. In fact, doing so is too frightening. After all, alcohol is capable of doing for you, in a brand-new, the other person, irritant, dangerous for the society, with no hope. To control the amount of alcohol in this case, it is not good enough. To pay attention to, must be, and the frequency of its use. Within 2 weeks, you will drink about 400 grams) of vodka and you can talk about the system of the alcohol. It is wrong to think that the vodka be replaced by any other beverage, not the alcohol. Enough to pair them up. In the calculation, you may go by the following formula:
(The fortress of alcohol (percent) * * * the Amount of drink (ml)):1000 = number of units of alcohol. 1 unit of alcohol = 10 millilitres of pure alcohol.

Talking about alcohol, it's worth it when every day, the human body gets more than 3 units of alcohol. You start to think about it, the diagnosis must be, and only in the following cases:
- Just wondering about the alcohol in the person's sobe mood you are in.
- It is a drug that is able to relieve the tension, and anxieties.
- In the absence of alcoholic beverages that occurs in a state close to that of a "break".
- Under the influence of alcohol in the person's change in behaviour. After you have your strength, your body has to become more aggressive and irritable.
If you drink alcohol properly, and get to know your needs, you can be taken to avoid damage to one's health. Otherwise, in addition to out of the night, headaches in the morning, and repugnant to the state in the course of the entire day, it gets a great deal of risk of developing alcohol dependence.